Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Reflections on the Christ Child

We have been in a whirlwind of Sunday School class parties, dinners, choir practices, Christmas Contata, and all the shopping activity that goes with the Christmas season. It has been wonderful to share in the celebration of the most important event in history -- the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the long awaited seed promised to Abraham. What a gift! God gave us Himself, the only begotten Son, who came with the express purpose of living a sinless life in order to become the Lamb of God who would take upon Himself the sins of all human kind. He was born to die so that you and I might live. God's gift to us is forgiveness and eternal life. I want to spend some quiet days reflecting on our God and His amazing gift.

I tell you the truth, whoever believes has eternal life. John 6:47

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Grandkids Galore

Today I have been thinking about how blessed we are when it comes to family. Not only do we have wonderful children; but with the addition of Baby Nan in late October, we now have six grandchildren in Lubbock, Texas. Then we have three more in Dublin, Georgia. Our cup runneth over!!!

The Cochrans in Dublin
Mac, Amber, Logan, Riley and Jordan

The Mulkey Kids in Lubbock, Texas
Tom, Sissy, Jane, Peter, Jake and Baby Nan

Getting ready for Christmas

Jane and Baby Nan; Sissy and her baby!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Celebrating! New Grandbaby Nan has arrived.

Folks in Lubbock, Texas, are celebrating the arrival of our new grandbaby, Anna Mitzi Mulkey, (to be called Nan) on Wednesday, October 29, 2008. She is adorable and occasionally very loud -- especially when hungry. The whole family is pleased as punch with this little cutie.

Christie is doing well. She was determined to be home in time to celebrate Halloween with all her brood. We spent the evening on the front porch rocking and giving out candy. Oh my, how the candy has flowed!

I will be in Texas until November 13 helping keep the house in order, working with the children on their lessons and holding Baby Nan. It's a happy and energetic home I'm in! Never a dull moment.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rebecca Begins Her Grand Adventure -- Bulgaria Bound

We took Rebecca to the Tallahassee Airport yesterday. She left at 11:00 A.M. to begin flying to Sofia, Bulgaria. We had a wonderful week with her before she left. She spoke at the United Methodist Men's monthly gathering on Monday night. It was a great talk, and we came away understanding a little better God's call on her life. She will be working with high school students--Missionary's Kids-- teaching their World History and English Literature from a Christian world view.

Rebecca called this morning to let us know that she had made it safely to Sofia. The team greeted her at the airport with flowers and strong backs to help carry all her luggage. She had already unpacked and was getting settled in her room. They were having a cookout shortly. (It was afternoon there as they are 7 hours ahead of us.)

She will have a few days to rest, begin language lessons, and explore the city. She starts teaching next week, but has already been making assignments. The students have responded in a marvelous way. We feel it is truly going to be a grand adventure for Rebecca. Please keep her in your prayers.

But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His unfailing love. He delivers them from death and keeps them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice for we trust in His holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our trust in you. Psalm 37:5-7

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lazy in Lubbock

We had a marvelous 8 days in Lubbock with Christie, Brandon, Rebecca, and the five kids. I must say that Lubbock has the BEST July 4 celebration ever. This year, the neighborhood had a kids' parade on July 3. Everybody decorated bikes, wagons, and carts and rode around the square. They had water slides and food. The men and boys fired water balloons at each other across the square. They nearly got me one time! For some good pics of this fun event, click Christie & Brandon's blog.
On July 4, we all piled into cars and went downtown for the big parade. Brandon dressed up as Uncle Sam riding in the "Cow" Jeep and pulled a wagon with Chick-Fil-A employees doing the Chicken Dance. Very cute!
That evening we had swimming, food, and fireworks out in the country. I've never seen so many fireworks. It started around 9:00 and was still going strong when we left at 11:00. There were at least 4 different "shows" going on around us. Texans sure do love fireworks!
The rest of the week we were just worthless -- lazy to the bone. We enjoyed good meals and great company. We not only enjoyed visiting with the Mulkeys and Rebecca, but got to spend some time with Brandon's family and with Monica and her kids also. It was a great week.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Riley Learns to Swim

Today Riley had his very first swimming lesson. He said, "I learned to kick, and stroke, and breathe under water!" He actually was swimming a short distance by the end of the lesson. He was very pleased with himself. Way to go Riley!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A beginning....

It's a rainy day in Georgia--South Georgia that is. I feel it is time to begin our first blog. We have been to church, were blessed by the sermon and singing, had a good lunch, and everyone is taking a nap -- except me. What a great Sunday!

Our grandson, Riley, is visiting us for a week in Cairo. We picked him up in Cordele and on the way home, made a visit to the Chehaw Zoo. I asked him if he knew what a zoo was. He wasn't quite sure. We saw some cool animals including monkeys, zebras, bison, and a depressed rhino. There were even some cheetas pacing around. As we drove away, Riley quietly said, "Now I know what a zoo is!"
Riley went with Poppy to eat breakfast. He ate two breakfasts! Following that, he was so well behaved at church that everyone was amazed. He said they had a race at Sunday School to see who could pick up the most marbles with their toes from a bucket of water. I think that related to the lesson somehow! Vacation Bible School starts at 3:00 and swimming lessons start tomorrow afternoon, so he will be properly entertained. In the meantime, he has been a sweet little fellow -- a great little 5 year old. We are blessed!